Public-Private Partnership is a kind of service done by the Government and the private sector together, which will be a long-term agenda and it shall also require a huge investment in the sector. The PPP model is involved through money, technology, and management. Build Operate Transfer (BOT), Build Lease Transfer (BLT), Design-Build Operate Transfer (DBOT), Operate Maintain Transfer (OMT) are some of the types of PPP models. They are operated in regards to the level of investment, ownership control, risk sharing, technical collaboration, management of cash flow, tax treatments, project durations, and financing mode. Considering the states in India, the public sector will be their respective State Government whereas the private sector can be a privately owned business, a public corporation with specific expertise in the field, etc. The PPP model is not only applied to long-term contracts but also short-term management contracts.
When it comes to the construction of structures like statues and sculptures, it requires highly skilled workmanship for its successful execution and also sufficient cash flow for its construction. Therefore it is always better to follow the PPP model since the partner is very responsible for owning and maintaining assets at different stages of the project completion. The public sector got to monitor the performance level of the private partner and also enforce all the terms of the agreed contract. The project expense of the private sector shall be recovered from the use of services from the projector through the payments from the public sector.
The Jatayu Earth Centre worked on a PPP model (BOT) having its collaboration done by the Government of Kerala’s tourism department and Guruchandrika Builders and Property. Some other Indian projects which worked on the Build Operate Transfer model are Nhava Sheva International Container Terminal, Amritsar Interstate Bus Terminal, Delhi Gurgaon Expressway, Hyderabad Metro, Salt Lake Water Supply, and Sewage Disposal System.
Hence the advantages of the PPP model are
- It provides access to the private sector
- Much transparent work
- Can make use of the private sector skills for the project completion
- Can transfer risk to the private partner.
- Can highly focus on the end product
- Proper maintenance of the infrastructure during operation
- Reduces construction costs.
Therefore it is beneficial to follow the PPP model for the construction of statues and sculptures and it can be finely implemented in all the states of India.