The generation gap arises as a result of conflicts due to differences in thought. There’s nothing wrong with having different points of view; it’s a normal and acceptable occurrence. But what is not acceptable is being adamant about our beliefs and refusing to appreciate others’ points of view; this, in turn, causes generation gaps; if we eliminate this, there will be no generation gap. As a result, it would not be incorrect to assert that the generation gap does not exist, but rather that it is merely a clash of ideas.
When one remains caught in one’s own perceptions, a gap develops. Every era is distinct, and what works in one period may not work in another. People who are adaptable and flexible as society grows and changes are not affected by the “generation gap.” When people are caught in old ways of thinking, such as “this is how we’ve always done it,” they create a “generation gap.
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It is quite tough to comprehend another person’s point of view or to think in the same manner that they did. There are many factors that influence a person’s thinking, but the environment and circumstances are the most important. There is a significant difference in the environments and circumstances of both generations, resulting in disparities in their situations. For example, in past times when things were less expensive, ten rupees held a significant value, and many items could be purchased for just ten rupees, therefore ten rupees meant a lot to elderly people, but in today’s reality, due to inflation, we can’t purchase as many things as we did in earlier times. As a result, a child of today’s generation would not value those ten rupees as much as an elder The older person would expect the younger person to understand his point of view and vice versa.
Experience gives us a viewpoint that we wouldn’t have otherwise. In most cases, attempts to share experiences with young people fail because they lack the proper frame of reference. Advice appears to be more like edicts that are frequently hated and rejected; ill-advised behavior is promoted by peers.
Many times in life, we may find ourselves in a scenario where we believe our generational differences are harming our relationships and that we are incompatible with one another. At such times, we must make an effort to understand others’ perspectives and avoid allowing generational differences to affect our relationships.