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Scientists reveal why killer whales are attacking boats worldwide – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Scientists have uncovered the mystery behind the recent surge in

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Nasa’s Magellan data indicates volcanic activity on Venus – Times of India

NEW DELHI: A recent analysis of data collected by Nasa's Magellan spacecraft

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Why solar storms impact power grids and when will a solar storm hit Earth next? – Times of India

Recently, social media was flooded with stunning images of vibrant auroras illuminating

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10 household products made from petroleum that will surprise you

Petroleum-derived synthetic oils, such as benzaldehyde and vanillin, are common in food

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Intriguing discovery: New earth-size world found by Nasa’s TESS – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Nasa’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has made a groundbreaking

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EarthCARE satellite to probe how clouds affect climate – Times of India

PARIS: Will clouds help cool or warm our world in the years

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KP.2: New Covid-19 variant now dominates in US. Should we be worried? – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The latest Covid-19 variant, designated KP.2 and colloquially known as

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Massive cradle of baby stars revealed in new images released by ESA – Times of India

NEW DELHI: European Space Agency's Euclid observatory has captured new detailed images

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