Actor Abhishek Bachchan says the film industry has long been “obsessed” with box office numbers but the influx of OTT has put the spotlight on content. The 46-year-old actor, who made his foray into the digital space with psychological thriller series Breathe: Into the Shadows, said streaming platforms have given Indian stories an opportunity to shine on global stage.
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“When OTT platforms came into being, everybody was accessible to anybody at the push of a button. We have a larger audience now and better reach. You can watch shows in every language – be in Indian or foreign.
“There is a huge appetite for Indian story telling. Good content will always work no matter the medium… Fortunately, digital platforms do not put out numbers. It keeps the focus on content. We have become far too obsessed about collections and money as opposed to the content,” Bachchan said at an event.
At the event, the actor was joined by Breathe: Into the Shadows season two co-stars Amit Sadh, Naveen Kasturia, Saiyami Kher and director Mayank Sharma.
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Abhishek Bachchan said it’s one of the toughest task to flesh out an engaging thriller.
“It’s a very difficult genre to execute because thriller is a rarity. For me, it was the character that drew me to the project. I loved Mayank’s writing…That is integral to a good thriller. It wasn’t superficial at all. If you are not emotionally invested, it goes to waste. Mayank has done a great job,” he said.
The series, produced by Vikram Malhotra and Abundantia Entertainment, will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on November 9. Mayank Sharma has also co-written the new season with Arshad Syed, Vikram Tuli, Priya Saggi and Abhijeet Deshpande.